All Z chocolates are made in France with zealous adherence to French tradition by World Champion Chocolatier Pascal Caffet's 40-year expertise combined with over 24 years of meticulous Z chocolate tasting and feedback from thousands of Z chocolat customers worldwide


The taste of Z chocolates is beyond anything you have ever tasted, it’s one of the best chocolates in the world. We combine the finest ingredients from small farms and plantations in Europe, South America and Madagascar with stringent requirements such as Zero preservatives, Zero coloring, Zero alcohol, Zero palm oil, Zero GMO, 100% pure cocoa butter, as little sugar as possible and high cocoa content to create a 100% all-natural Z chocolate experience with Zero artificial ingredients.


Leonardo Da Vinci inspired our signature shape, as he believed the divine proportion of the golden ratio to be a key to beauty, balance, and proportion in both art and nature. Further pursuing his belief that mathematical harmony enhances visual and emotional resonance, we created 26 exceptional recipes to acknowledge Z as the 26th letter of the alphabet.


Download a list of all our chocolates

Download a list of all our chocolates

The French are known for their superb wines and exquisite cuisine. French chocolate is no exception, it is one of the best chocolates in the world. Each chocolate is handmade by Pascal Caffet, World-Champion Chocolatier, with zealous adherence to French tradition: all natural ingredients, no alcohol, no preservatives, high cocoa content, no GMOs, no palm oil, low sugar and 100% pure cocoa butter. These signature dark, milk, and white chocolates include rich ganaches prepared with French butter and cream from Normandy and finely textured pralines honed from a perfected mixture of Valencia almonds from Spain and Piedmont hazelnuts from Italy. Our collection is the natural outcome of combining Pascal Caffet’s renowned expertise with years of meticulous chocolate tasting and feedback from thousands of our customers.


Welcome to the world of zChocolat from chocolate number 0 to chocolate number 24 plus our flagship the Z chocolate.


We have created other delicacies to complement our Numbered Collection:


Pascal Caffet, World Champion Chocolatier has created 26 exquisite chocolate recipes exclusively for zChocolat. Our combined expertise and experience have resulted in worldwide availability of the finest French chocolates in the world. This collection combines Pascal Caffet’s expertise in chocolate making with 20 years of meticulous chocolate tasting. The result is an unequaled repertoire of 100% natural edible masterpieces made of the finest cocoa and freshest local ingredients, low in sugar, with no preservatives, no alcohol, no coloring and 100% pure cocoa butter.

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