Introducing our smart and charming 4-chocolate memento, a memorable way to convey gratitude and celebrate special occasions with a touch of epicurean genius. Z4 Memento is a polished promotional giveaway sold in packs of 10 sets designed to delight with our 4 bestselling chocolates and a sleeve that can be personalized with your logo for a touch of brand sophistication and delicious awareness.


Introducing our smart and charming 4-chocolate memento, a memorable way to convey gratitude and celebrate special occasions with a touch of epicurean genius. Z4 Memento is a polished promotional giveaway sold in packs of 10 sets designed to delight with our 4 bestselling chocolates and a sleeve that can be personalized with your logo for a touch of brand sophistication and delicious awareness.

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    "url": "https://www.zchocolat.com/collection/150-party-favors/"
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