/ frOur natural-fiber message cards are entirely customizable. You may add a personal message, a themed image from our image library, or upload a personal photo, your company logo, or any other JPEG format image. Your message is displayed on the right side of the card whereas your image is printed on the left flap, facing your greeting.
Your recipient will find the card immediately upon opening their gift as it is slipped into the front pocket on the drawstring pouch enclosing their chocolates. Designed especially to hold your personal message, the pocket is purposely fitted to display the inscription: “Votre Message” located on the upper part of the card, so it cannot be missed.
You will find this customization option on the right-hand side of the product page above the GIFTING SERVICES section. Click on “MY MESSAGE CARD” and follow the instructions. If this step-by-step instruction is not clear, kindly contact us and we will assist you immediately.
The card comes free of charge, however if you choose to upload a personal photo/logo or select a themed image from our image library, a supplement of USD 4.67 is applied.